August 24, 2009

{The Pacific NW}

I'm back, tired, and glad to be sleeping in my own bed! The recent trip to Washington was great. It was filled with lots of music, camping, many miles of driving, lots of old friends, and a few new ones. We managed to sneak away from the festival one afternoon and cross state-lines into Oregon for a quick trip to Portland.

We didn't have much time to explore the city, so we made the cult sugar staple Voodoo Doughnut our destination. I couldn't believe the line was out the door(!) and this was at 4 o'clock in the afternoon! Doughnuts are seriously popular at Voodoo, and seriously wacky. I'll just say that my donut was the size of my head, no exaggeration.

Because of our time constraints I only managed to snap a few pictures along the way. I wish we had more time to really check out what Portland has to offer. I would have loved to do a little shopping. All is good though because I've been promised a return visit. Hopefully soon!

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