April 18, 2011

{weekend fun-sutter street antique fair}

This weekend we ventured out to the antique faire on Sutter Street. I live 5 minutes from Sutter St, and let me tell you, it sure is a gem. A dozen antique stores, coffee shops, and boutiques that are wonderfully curated. I wish I could live in several of them. I'll tour those for you another day...

It's the same street that hosts the Thursday night markets in the summer which I'll have a booth at (so excited for that!). Here's a little visual recount of our fun perusing through all the vintage and antique goodies. I had to have real self control with not buying several pieces, but hey, that's how it goes living in 900 sq ft (a full to the max 900sq ft may I add).

Onto the photos:


Well, wasn't that fun?! Happy Monday!

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